Created back in 2019, Eurobuzz has always been committed to being an alternative voice for the Eurovision Song Contest community. We deliver the relevant news and debate all the hot gossip, but we also love to delve deeper with our “In-Depth” articles. We are proud of our growing team and hope to welcome more contributors to our site in the coming year. You can find out more about the people who help run the operation below.

Curtis Lee (Founder of EuroBuzz)

My love for Eurovision stems from the first contest I watched in full, back in 2009. I remember being completely mesmerised by the production and atmosphere of this event, although being just 8 years old at the time, I likely had very little idea as to what on earth was going on… little did young Curtis know the impact that this contest would have on him in later years…

A decade later in 2019, I founded EuroBuzz. I have for long been interested in creating an alternative news platform and site that at the core represents the diverse nature of our fan community. We focused on just building our social media platforms for so long that we initially delayed our site launch. It is an extremely nerve-wracking thing to launch, and something that requires a lot of thought and effort, a special shoutout to Jacob who has designed much of the site you see today. We are still relatively new to this, and at the beginning of our website’s journey, yet the support of so many of you has touched the entire team. We are all extremely grateful and excited for our next chapter.

You can follow Curtis on Twitter & on Instagram

TJ – Writer & Social Media Contributor

I’ve been watching Eurovision ever since I was a little boy. Having been born in Portugal, the contest was watched by a big part of the population and my family was no different. My first edition was in 2004 and I remember my grandmother explaining everything to me. But it wasn’t until a decade later when I had moved to France, that I became properly obsessed with this contest. Especially given how amazing the 2014 edition was! 

Since 2014 I’ve wanted to become part of the bubble and the opportunity came in 2021 when I joined Eurobuzz. It made me really happy that I could finally share my love for the contest and contribute in any way I could. Being the French/Portuguese correspondent also makes me proud that I could share everything that my countries are doing for the contest. I hope that in the future I can share some exclusive news and maybe work closer with the delegations. But in the meantime, writing and talking about the contest will do! 

You can follow TJ on Twitter & on Instagram

Dean Anthony – Writer & Social Media Contributor

Eurovision has alway been a part of my life. I think it was illegal to be Irish in the 1990’s and not care. I remember the buzz around Ireland winning it for yet another year. We were a proud nation of winners. Unfortunately, the interest of the nation began to dwindle, and Eurovision left my life, for a bit…

That all changed for me in 2007, when I witnessed Verdka Serduchka performing in Helsinki. The absolute spectacle! The Campness! The actual budget! How far the contest had come from being held in a horse shed in Cork in the 90’s was nothing short of spectacular! My love was reignited, and from there it just grew.

Every year it draws me in; from the announcement of the very first entrant, all the way to the aftermath and fallout from the drama. I love it. It has become a staple in my life, and what I consider the best time of the year. My mission is to make everyone experience the joy of this fine competition at least once in their lives, and – especially with everything going on the the world right now – I believe we need it now more than ever. I’m very thankful to be part of the EuroBuzz platform and to work with this great team, allowing me to spread the unadulterated joy of the EBU.

You can follow Dean on Twitter & on Instagram